'That's the Ticket!' is a brand campaign platform designed to increase awareness of the Lotterywest community grant program.

Lotterywest Manager, Brand and Campaign, Natalie Cole said many people were not aware that the organisation was the only State Government owned and operated lottery in Australia and one of the few in the world where the profits are returned directly back to the WA community through a grants program.

“Throughout the year, Lotterywest supports a multitude of events, charities, community groups and projects in WA, with over $300 million given back to the WA community last financial year alone. That’s something we’re incredibly proud of – and we want the people of WA to be proud of too. Dave is a great way to remind players that every Lotto ticket they buy goes towards good stuff for our State.”

“’That’s The Ticket!’ is sloganizing in all its glory – tying ticket purchases to great WA benefits and doing it at speed. Well, at the speed of Dave Callan in a polyester tracksuit. His enthusiastic catch-cry is echoed by the community wherever he goes. It’s difficult to tell if he’s cool, but he is definitely awesome,” - Richard Berney, Executive Creative Director

‘That’s the Ticket’ runs across TV and OLV, radio, social, large format outdoor and owned channels.


A Lotterywest brand campaign executed by 303 Mullenlowe. The brand had previously struggled to effectively communicate where the state lottery p Read More


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